Month: November 2015


How is it already the holidays? My goodness this year flew by fast! I love the holidays. I am that person who has already started to listen to christmas music and watch holiday movies. I think it is such a magical, happy time of year. The best part of the season, besides dressing up, is spending it with family and friends through the many holiday parties. If you are attending a party or two or three this year and are not sure what to give the hostess, here are a few gift ideas that any lady of the festive celebration will be smitten with.




A few weeks ago I spent a wonderful long weekend in New York City attending a few conferences and enjoying the most amazing city in the world. It was jammed packed with a lot of events, too much food, exploring the city, and some great laughs with great friends. I talked about the first part of my trip in this past post here, attending FashionistaCon, and getting together with some of my favorite people in the world. I had to break up the trip in two in order to fit everything in!


sweater // earrings // book // poncho // boots // handbag