Month: December 2015

‘Tis the season for lots of gatherings and a lot of parties! I love the holiday season for many reasons and one of them is the opportunity to make yummy hor d’oeuvres or side dishes. I enjoy cooking and baking all types of meals/food, but for some reason I LOVE to make hor d’oeuvres. I attended a few holiday parties last week and for two of them I made bacon wrapped goat cheese stuffed dates. I eat dates almost every day, I love cheese like it’s my first child, and bacon is a necessary ingredient to every meal, so it is only fitting that this simply to make hor d’oeuvre is my go-to to any party.





“But dreams do not come true just because you dream them. It’s hard work that makes thing happen. It’s hard work that creates change”

–Shonda Rhimes

Happy Friday! I can NOT believe Christmas is next week! Eeeek! Have you finished all of your holiday shopping? I have one present left to get, then it is wrapping time! I am definitely in the holiday mood– Wednesday night I had a mini get together with  a few members of my committee from the Athletic Club. We sipped wine, told stories, and ate a lot of cheese! Last night I attended the Athletic Club’s holiday party with my sister and brother-in-law. We put on our best cocktail attire and had a ball!





Wrap Coat: I have always adored wrap coats. They exude style. I love the over-lay collar, making the coat look so warm and cozy.

2016 Agenda: First of all, HOW is it already 2016? Sorta scary to think about. I remember it being 1996 like it was yesterday. Each year I pretend to be organized with an agenda/date book and I always get one from Gigi New York—and I always monogrammed it too, do not want someone stealing my work schedule and hair appointments.
