Month: November 2016

With the holiday season comes festive parties. Evenings filled with holiday tunes, Christmas lights and decorations, endless champagne and tasty hor d’oeuvres. It is a time to dress up and have fun with friends and family. Holiday parties are one of my favorite parts of the season. I will take any excuse to dress up, and what better excuse than the season of joy. Like always I start planning my outfits a head of time–even before I am invited to or make plans to attend any parties. I want to be prepared early so I am not running around last minute looking for the perfect dress. I have rounded up my top 10 contenders that will suffice a casual or cocktail attire event.

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Last week I posted about day one of my trip to Georgetown (found here). The second day was more about exploring and walking, walking, and some more walking. Instead of exploring more of Georgetown, we headed towards the White House and other historical monuments. While we were looking at the White House, all of a sudden the police started yelling for us to move–and in a hurry. Well come to find out some man had a gun, or perhaps something that looked like a gun. At the time we did not know what was going on, but it was still scary… and exciting. To be honest at first my mom and I felt a little panicky, but then we thought maybe someone important was coming/going, so we stuck around (on the opposite side of the street along with the other tourist) and watched.




I don’t know about you but I am already in the holiday spirit! This is my favorite time of the year and Christmas is my favorite holiday, so I like to enjoy it as much as possible for as long as possible. I am watching Christmas movies on the Hallmark channel, and may have Mariah Carey’s Christmas album playing as we speak. With all due respect to Thanksgiving, Christmas is just more fun and feels magical. If it weren’t for stuffing and pumpkin pie I’d probably forget about Turkey Day.



bow blouse // blazer (similar) // booties (similar)

jeans // tote // sunglasses

This past weekend I traveled to D.C. for a little girls trip with my Mom. Both of us have been to D.C. before but it has been a few years since our last visit. We stayed at this super cute hotel called Avenue Suites located in Georgetown. It was the perfect location as neither one of us have ever been to Georgetown. Our trips to D.C. were strictly historical. I was so excited to experience Georgetown as I have always heard it is a cute town!
