Month: April 2017

“do the things you think you can’t do”

Happy Friday!! This past week was a busy but good one! On Monday I had a 5 hour photo/video shoot (which I am SO excited to share with you soon!). I know this sounds super cheesy and cliche but this was my first photoshoot that felt quintessential New York, and I felt like Carrie Bradshaw. I was running around in Central Park in beautiful spring dresses and all over Upper East Side. It felt like a take from Sex and The City. Ok, you can stop rolling your eyes at me now.  (more…)



Can you believe Easter is only a week away?! Easter is one of my favorite holidays. The candy, in my opinion, is the best and I love seeing everyone dressed in their best pastels. Normally by now I would of have had my easter dress picked out and ready to be worn, but this year time has flown by so fast. Easter kind of snuck up on me, I am not ready.


nude heels


When it comes to my shoe collection, well lets just say I stick to the basics. Besides leopard, I do not have any fun prints or wild colored pumps. All of my shoes can be categorized as neutrals. But I do not mind, I like having classic colored shoes that will last me for years. In the winter I always wear black boots, and in the summer I will wear a nude or blush tone colored heels, sandals, or flats. I should be a little more fun than boring old neutrals… but I am not… and I am not sorry about it either.
