Month: July 2017

“keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable”

Happy Friday!! This week was relaxing. I did not have any events to attend to nor did I have stressful deadlines to make. My tennis lesson was even cancelled due to bad weather. I have basically been catching up on blog stuff ( getting ready for Fashion Week), working on my website redesign (you can see some changes now, but there is more to come!). I met up with a friend for a few drinks, and have caught up on all of my TV shows. A pretty good week if I do say so myself.



You make me feel so young…..

Want to know the secret of looking and feeling younger? The answer is collagen. Learn it, live it, become obsessed with it. Collagen is your new best friend. Every day I make myself a smoothie where I add a scoop of collagen peptide (this is my favorite brand). If I am looking a little bit more ragged than normal, I add a pinch more for good luck. Living in such a polluted, stressful city I need all of the help I can get to stay youthful. It is true that New York ages you quicker. Excuse me while I whimper at this thought….


“I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life”

-Louise Hay

Happy Friday and happy beginning of the Nordstrom Sale public access day! What a week folks… what a week. Just call me Maggie “don’t have time” Tate. I have been running around from meetings to events to work to my tennis lesson to whatever else I had on my schedule this past week. I can’t complain though, it is the good kind of busy. I enjoy what I am doing, but I do miss being lazy and binge watching Netflix……the complexity of life.
