Month: August 2017

“In due time everything falls into place. Keep the faith and keep working towards your goals.

What’s yours is yours and no one can stop that.”

Tony Gaskins


Happy Friday!! I am sadly leaving Charleston today. I have had a wonderful few days visiting and do not want it to end. Luckily I have my birthday celebration to attend to this weekend with my NYC best! I had a wonderful birthday and feel ready to conquer this new year! Thank you all for the sweet birthday messages! The best gift I was given was Taylor Swift dropping her first single off of her new album!!! Already in love with it and have it on repeat!! Thanks T. Swift!!


dress // clutch


What better way to turn another year older than to celebrate my birthday in Charleston! I have been here for a few days and am so in love with the city. The cute, southern homes makes a gal want to move here. As this is my first time visiting the charming city, I am so grateful I get to experience it on my birthday!




New York Fashion Week is just around the corner! This will be my 3rd fashion week and it truly is still a pinch me experience! I can’t believe how fast the year has flown by. It feels like yesterday I was visiting NYC for fashion week; chit chatting with friends on a rooftop in Tribeca overlooking the Freedom Tower, about how I want to move back. So much has happened in a year and I am truly grateful to live in the city that knows fashion.


new york city workout guide

Is it too late to work on my summer body? Maybe I should call this holidays are coming workout plan? I have taken a little break from my dance cardio classes to try some new and different workouts around New York. When I think of the classes that I have gravitated towards, only one word comes to mind. Powerful. I feel powerful. And each class has given me a different type of power; from strength to speed to personal. I feel a since of confidence. That I can do this, take on whatever challenge is a head of me. Which is evidently my new life’s motto (along with I am good enough).  So if I can make it through these classes, push myself and still love them, then you can too!
