Month: August 2017

who what wear

denim jacket c/o // dress (similar) // pink mules

When I was in high school I wore my J.Crew denim jacket religiously. I loved wearing it. I would plan what days of the week I would wear it with what outfit. Every time I wore it I felt like I came straight out of a J.Crew catalog. It was the best of times. Then came college and for some reason I decided to donate my jacket to Goodwill. BIG. MISTAKE…. HUGE! I regret giving my beloved jacket to charity….sorry Goodwill. I know it was for a good cause and I have given plenty of clothes to the organization. And I am sure someone is out there wearing my jacket and looking fabulous in it (you go girl). I just want my denim jacket back. I WANT MY DENIM JACKET BACK!! Ok…. ok… I am fine…. I’m fine…….


neely and chloe

top (now $38!!)  // shorts  (now $69!) // satchel bag c/o


Ah the age old question…. what is the dating life like in New York? I get asked this question a lot. My answer: the same as everywhere else. I find the same pros and cons in New York as I did while living in Columbus. The only difference really is guys in Columbus are more willing to settle down at an earlier age than in New York. Another difference between the two cities is in Columbus I would run into guys that I stopped talking to on a dating app a lot more than I ever would in New York. I guess that is a plus for the dating scene in NYC.
