Month: September 2017



Blush and Blooms, I know, is heavily focused on women’s fashion. I own shirts that have enough ruffles on them that could house a tiny village underneath each layer. But with that being said I do have a good amount of men followers that I can’t forget about. Hello gentlemen! Each season I like to do a style guide for men so they know what I think they should be wearing. And since I am a woman, you already know I am right.


“embrace uncertainty. Some of the most beautiful chapters in our lives won’t have a title until much later.”


Happy Friday!!! This past week I made a list and I checked it off. I wanted to get all of the stuff that I have been putting on the back burning done and over with. I did a major clean out of my room, took clothes to Goodwill and put others up on Poshmark. It felt so good getting rid of some stuff (making room for more). I also wrote overdue thank you notes, took my purse to the cobbler to get cleaned, and started to work on my Shop categories (coming soon to the blog!). It was a pretty productive week. I feel accomplished.



Throwing a curveball at you today with some sports analogy and unequivocal lame puns……. #sports.  I know the quarterback needs to throw the ball into the basket before the goalie blocks it…… only kidding, I have watched golf before.
