Month: November 2017

gifts for the hostess


The holidays are here and the party invites are starting to roll in. I love nothing more than a festive celebration. There is nothing quite like a holiday party, that is for sure! Since this is the season of giving, when attending a party it is nice to gift the host. A way of saying thank you for hosting and inviting me to your holly jolly soirée. Usually I like to give a bottle of champagne, which you can never do wrong with, but sometimes it is nice to put a little bit more thought into the gift.


“give yourself permission to live a big life. Step into who you are meant to be.

Stop playing small. You’re meant for greater things.”


Happy Friday! I am SO happy it is the weekend.. my brain is fried. Mumble jumble in a blender fried. I am slowly setting into vacation mode but am running around like a headless chicken trying to get things done before I leave. Tuesday I am flying home to Ohio for the night, then my mom and I are taking a road trip down to Georgia to visit my sister, brother-in-law, and niece for a few days. After Georgia I will be spending a long week at home for Thanksgiving. I am excited to have two weeks of “vacation” from New York and to celebrate Thanksgiving at home with my family.


holiday decor


It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas……

 Time to start putting out your festive holiday decor!  I know Thanksgiving is next week and you probably have your T-Day decor out, but it does not hurt to start buying new Christmas decorations. Christmas is my favorite holiday and I can’t wait to start seeing all of the decorations out in store fronts, lights on the trees, holiday music playing everywhere….. it is truly the best time of the year!
