Month: January 2018

resort wear



Heading someplace warm this winter? Then take me with you! The beach, sunshine, wearing a flowy off the shoulder dress, it’s what we all need right now. It is resort season and I am dreaming of being warm. Warm weather sounds fantastic right now as I am looking out the window at a snow storm. Ugh.


rebecca taylor

top 40% off with code: wearnow40 // black denim // satchel c/o // black heeled bootie // tortoise print sunglasses

I’ve never met a party type I didn’t like. From elegant balls to birthday celebrations at hole in the wall bars, I enjoy a good social event. I love mingling with friends and meeting new people, seeing creative decor and eating yummy hors d’oeuvres. My favorite part of any soirée is, of course, dressing for the occasion; a fancy dress or a fun party top purchased specifically for the evening that will turn heads. An outfit with flare and enough glam to put you in a party mood. Those are the type of garments I love to wear to parties.


“Become more aware of what’s really worth your energy”

Happy Friday!! This week…. my goodness it was the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Tuesday I was feeling as if everything I did I was failing at. I talked about during Wednesday post. Luckily I am feeling so much better– thank you for the sweet messages. Like I said in my post, it was nothing that a good night’s sleep couldn’t cure.


J.crew lace top


Yesterday was a little tough. I felt inadequate in everything I did; from my blog to working out to the way I looked to how smart I am, everything. It was even effecting my creativity to make a blog post. And when my creativity is being targeted I get even more self critical. I start having PTSD flashbacks from college when I studied dance. Every other Friday if we were working on a piece we had to show the ENTIRE department during the showcase. Entire department meaning every student and faculty member. You show your dance to them and each faculty member (and some students) critique it. It can be pretty embarrassing, even though it does give you thick skin. Anyway, everything I did yesterday felt as if I was not good enough, like a complete failure. I do not want to get into what sent me in this downward spiral, but it lead me to calling my mom to melodramatically say I want to quit everything. She pointed out that what was happening really does not effect my business, my personal life, who I am and also that as long as I am doing the best that I can it will be alright. Moms…. they know best.
