Month: January 2018

hudson and bleecker

garment bag, toiletry bag

Ever get the urge to quit your job, pack your things, sublease your apartment and go on an Eat, Pray, Love trip? I do. All of the time. Lately I have been craving to go on some kind of a trip, an adventure. One that is life changing. A trip where you get out of your comfort zone and experience the world.


“The only reason we don’t have what we want in life is the reasons we create why we can’t have them.”

Happy Friday!!! Hooolllyy blizzard New York! That was wild yesterday. I went out to take some pictures and to get matcha tea, felt like I survived a war against mother nature…….. it was unacceptable behavior coming from nature to be honest. Anyway, after my brave excursion through the arctic circle (my block) I went back to my nice warm apartment to catch up on Better Late Than Never. If you are not watching Better Late Than Never you are truly missing out. By far the funniest show I have ever seen.




Many of us set a new year’s resolution or goal based around fitness and health. These goals maybe to loose weight, eat healthier, hit a milestone, or to stay in shape. For me working out and eating healthy is a lifestyle, something I enjoy doing. That is the key to keeping your resolution/goal, find something you enjoy doing. Now more than ever we have the opportunity to try a variety of studios making it easier for us to find something we love to do.


milly faux fur jacket

Milly faux fur jacket (also found here)  // Hudson jeans // Steve Madden booties // Lisi Lerch earrings

Karen Walker sunglasses // Tory Burch clutch (similar

Growing up I was always in awe of both of my grandmother’s fur coats. Mink’s that elegantly graced the floor or stop shortly above the knees. They looked glamorous and chic, the type of women who could own a room. As a child I loved when they would wear their furs to parties or church, hoping one day I could be just as beautiful as they are. My one grandmother (who just turned 95) used to be a fur model back in the 40’s. She still wears the coats that were given to her by different designers, looking  just a beautiful in them as she does in her photographs. My other grandmother sadly passed away many years ago; my mother, aunt, cousin, sister and I inherited her many coats.
