Month: March 2018

“It it is right, it happens. The main thing is not to hurry. Nothing good gets away.”

Happy Friday!! Praise Jesus hallelujah, I am injury/inflammation free and I am no longer sick! It only took a month, but hey, I am here, I am healthy, and I am loving life! The best part is that I am back to working out and it feels SO good to move, dance and sweat. I have been going to Bandier’s Studio B a lot lately. My favorite classes are Amanda Kloots, Megan Roup, and Legs by Lauren. I have honestly been in the best mood since starting to workout again. I guess Elle Woods was right; exercise gives you endorphins, and endorphins make you happy.


easter dresses


It’s hard to believe Easter is next week when there is a snowstorm currently happening in New York. Nevertheless a little cold weather will not stop me from wearing a spring dress on Easter day. It’s the first of the season to wear florals and pastel  colored dresses.



dress // over the knee boots // circle bag // sunglasses

When I was little I refused to wear pants. Let me rephrase that… I wore leggings as pants but nothing else. Jeans were my worst enemy as they were not comfortable at all. Stiff as a board. If I had to wear jeans it was a battle with my mom that I ultimately lost. I only wanted to wear dresses. I loved the freedom and comfort of dresses. It didn’t matter if it were a casual  or my Sunday best, I was in love with wearing dresses.


“So remember, look at the stars and not at your feet”

-Stephen Hawking

Happy Friday!! My life is a March Madness right now. Remember last week when I said I was going to grow a third arm for this week………. well I didn’t. In fact the inflammation in my knee is completely gone! BUT now I am sick with a cold. Ha, life is a hoot isn’t it? From my personal professional opinion I believe the inflammation that was floating around my body is now  leaving as a cold. (I am obviously not a doctor, but let me believe this). Anyway, my body is feeling better and I have been getting back into working out and doing movements full out. I am still cautious because you never know when my body will decide to come back with it’s greatest hits causing everything to go haywire. I need to rebuild strength and endurance before fully getting back to where I was before all of this chaos.
