Month: March 2018


Nike windrunner jacket // APL sneakers // leggings // muscle tank 

If this past month has taught me anything, it is the importance of taking care of myself. Although the majority of my adult life has been centered around self care, I am just now learning to listen to my body. Whether it’s to ease up on my work outs or eat more meat, I am trying to listen to my body’s needs. I eat healthy and am very active, I thought this was enough to stay healthy but I was wrong. Sometimes working out too much is unhealthy for my body or maybe I am not giving it the right nutrients even though I eat vegetables and fruit all day. Really listening to our bodies and it’s needs is the key to a healthy life.


cult gaia


A few weeks ago while I was doing a style photoshoot my photographer Lauren mentioned that I was the first client of hers to pull out a basket bag. What can I say? I am over winter and ready for spring! Basket bags are a summer and spring staple piece. A bag that you can never have too many of. I remember as a kid loving to play with both of my grandmother’s basket bags. Cute clutches and top handles my one grandmother would take as she summered in Florida for the winter season. My other grandmother had a particular bag that would make a chirping noise when she walked. She told my sister and me that there was a baby bird in her purse but we weren’t allowed to see it because the little birdie was always sleeping. Obviously now I understand it was just the handle making noise, but as a 4 year old my grandmother was like Snow White to me.




Here comes Peter Cotton Tail………. if you can’t tell I am excited for Easter. It’s the beginning of spring! A time to finally pull out your pastel wardrobe and put away your winter clothing. It’s one of my favorite holidays with the spring-like decor of cute bunnies and little baby chicks. Everything is floral and pastel colored.  And I am going to say this with much confidence…. Easter has the best candy.


“Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life”

-Golda Meir

Happy Friday!! Another week, another drama. I have been experiencing an abnormal amount of inflammation. I am starting to feel like the boy who cried wolf, but my problems are real. First I had rosacea on my face, then my left shoulder hurt, then I got plantar fasciitis in my left foot, and now I have pain from my right knee all the way to my hip. Tune in next week when I grow a third arm.  (more…)