Month: June 2018

“you will never speak to anyone more than you speak to yourself in your head. be kind to yourself”

Happy Friday! This has been a devastating week. With the deaths of two of the most innovative, creative people, Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain, it’s time we really open up the platform about mental illness. We need this conversation to make it comfortable for those struggling to reach out to someone. There is nothing wrong with suffering from depression, anxiety, eating disorders and you are definitely not alone. With the deaths of both Kate and Anthony, it shows that you never know what is happening behind closed doors. You don’t know who is struggling behind a smile. Mental health happens to everyone with various religions, race, gender, success, and in different magnitudes. You don’t have to be contemplating suicide to be considered depressed or not being able to open up to someone. Depression is feeling empty inside, alone, a dark voice. Even if you are just feeling down, talk to someone. It’s time we start opening up, lending a hand, making this conversation comfortable. We get everything else checked why not get our minds check out. We are a culture obsessed with eating healthy, working out, “self care”, but we are missing the major component in health and that is taking care of our minds. Stop trying to make everyone else happy before yourself. A teacher once told me “you have to be selfish in order to be selfless”. You have to take care of yourself first. There is nothing wrong or weak about seeing a therapist, talking to a counselor, confiding in a friend or loved one, seeking help in anyway. You are not alone.


From Coachella to bridal parties, flower crowns have graced the heads of women all over our instagram feeds. No longer are they for the flower child of the 60’s, flower crowns have made it’s way back into our hearts and is now mainstream chic to wear. It’s a must have for parties that will add a fun touch to any event. Women will eat up the chance to wear a flower crown. I, for one, am here for the new flower crown generation



Time to catch up on our sports analogies, Father’s Day is quickly approaching. My dad, although has great style, can be a little difficult to shop for in the fashion department. He is particular in what he wears. Unless directed from him to my mom to me on exactly what to buy him, I usually stay clear from clothes in terms of shirts, shoes, and so on. If I do buy him clothing without his consent it will be a new tie, a pair of socks, or an accessory item. Other gifts I would buy him on a whim would be things he doesn’t know he needs; a YETI rambler for when he goes to sporting events, Bose® wireless headphones so he can listen to music while he mows the lawn, or a new set of grilling tools.. For Father’s Day my go-to gift is a book. My dad is very into history. He enjoys books (and movies) about politics, war, and American historical events. It’s a safe bet he will like it and use it! There are many great gifts to give our dads to show them we appreciate all they have done for us and the life lessons they taught us.



dress // sandals (similar) // circle bag // sunglasses

Over the weekend I attended my first ever polo match! It has been on my bucket list, vision board, wishlist for many years and finally it came true! This was the 11th year of the Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic and I couldn’t of have dreamed of a more perfect event for my first match. I loved every second of it, even the parts when my feet were killing me and I wanted to jump in the river because it was so hot. I couldn’t stop smiling I was so happy to be there and had the best time!
