Month: August 2018


 Alexis dress // nude heels // ark bag // tassel earrings  // sunglasses

With over 4 years of blogging I’d like to think I know a thing or two about this industry. Even though I have been an influencer for a few years the industry keeps changing so I am constantly learning new things (hello IGTV). Do I have this down to perfection? Not at all; I still make lots of mistakes, still trying to grow, still figuring out SEO, still learning new social media features, still trying to push myself creatively. I don’t think it ever ends and I don’t want the learning experience to end. What I can give advice on is how to start a blog. This is the question I get from most people who email me or DM. I thought I would share a few tips and advice I would give someone asking questions through email. The first thing I always say is to just start, who cares if it looks ugly. Start and grow from there.


pre-fall styles

Although the fall season is not for another month we all know the temperature is going to stay warm for a lot longer. Right now brands are in a transition from their summer collection to the fall collection. Styles you are currently seeing as new arrivals are their pre-fall collection. Pre-fall are items you can wear in the summer that carry over into the crisp season. Be it a long sleeve wrapped dress or a sleeveless sweater tank, these are the items will get you through the warm days of fall.



blazer dress // circle bag // earrings // nude heels // sunglasses

It may seem a little early to some of you to already be talking about New York Fashion Week. It is a month away and talking about Spring ’19 styles when Fall ’18 trends have barely graced us is a little too early to grasp. Well for those of us who attend NYFW and those that are behind the scene, fashion week starts much earlier. I have already started to send out my request to brands in hopes to attend their show/presentation, and I have already started planning on what I want to wear. On top of my list of outfits: this blazer dress from Theory.


“Have hope and believe in yourself, because it’s possible”

-Hailie Sahar

Happy Friday!! It was a week of fun and a week of learning. After a few weeks off from events, it seems everyone is back from vacation and gearing up for the fall season. I can’t believe we are talking about the fall already, but it is quickly approaching. And so is my birthday!!!
