Month: August 2018

Last Sunday I spent most of the afternoon laying out in the park near me and reading my current book. It felt so nice and relaxing to do so as I haven’t done this in quite a while. As someone who enjoys pleasure reading I have to admit I haven’t been indulging in books as much as I used to. But since my current book is coming to an end I am on the lookout for a new one to submerge myself in. Here are a few books that are currently on my radar.




When Instagram released their newest polling feature one of the questions I asked you, my readers, is what would you like to see more of on the blog. A few of you said makeup. When it comes to makeup I am pretty minimal, I like the au naturel look. For years the only makeup I would wear is mascara and concealer. Now I have adventured on to more products to create my going out look. Growing up I was a dancer where our stage presence consisted of bright colors and caked on makeup. Most of my life I equated daily makeup with stage makeup. Even if I had a little bit of blush on I felt like I was about to perform. As years past I have become more comfortable wearing makeup out and about. I still prefer the minimalist look and always will, but sometimes it’s nice to have a pop of color whether it is a pink blush tone or a red lip. Also through the years as I have adventure in the makeup world and have attended a few tutorials, I have started to narrow down  “my look” and what products to use to create this look. Here are my favorite, go-to products I am currently using.
