Month: September 2018

“all we want is something more to dream about and to adore”

Happy Friday!! I am so grateful it is finally the weekend–today is definitely an extra cup of matcha to get me through the day.  Feeling tired. After spending last week feeling like a chicken with my head cut off, I was finally able to destress last Saturday night by going to see Crazy Rich Asians. It really is SO good! Exactly what I needed; a good laugh and a cry. I highly suggest seeing it!



on me: blazer dress, nude heels, circle bag

on Emily: blazer (similar) pants (similar), t-shirt, earrings, crossbody purse (similar), red heels (similar)

Another New York Fashion Week has come and go. The September NYFW is the biggest one of the two (another one in February). In September they show the Spring collection of the following year, and in February they show the fall collection. The reasoning for is is because back in the day before everything was instance gratification, fashion week was for buyers, editors, and stylists. Buyers of stores like Bergdorf’s to see what they wanted in their stores, stylists to see what they wanted to style their clients in, and editors (Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar) to write in their magazines so their readers will know what will be on trend in the upcoming season. Now-a-days with social media, bloggers, and live streaming, showing a collection 6 months in advance is starting to become an ancient idea. More brands are showing ready to wear items that can be bought now (but not all brands do this). Other’s have pathed their own path by showing their collection outside of the famous week. Fashion week has really changed over the years but I still think it holds the same magic. Every show I attend I feel like I am on cloud 9. I used to sit at home and watch the shows live stream, praying that someday I will be in that room. And here I am, attending my 7th season, sitting in front row of a few shows, and having a marvelously time doing so!


mens fall fashion


During fashion week I was chit-chatting with two of my male blogging friends about, well, mens fashion. I was curious first of all about what it’s like to be a male blogger, and also what type of demographic are they reaching; are their male followers engaging? Are they actually into fashion or just fashion victims looking for help? Are they mostly gay or straight? As someone who only has a few male followers (Hello Gentlemen!), blogging for men inquisitively fascinates me. Now I have made it a goal to attend at least one mens fashion week show here in New York to see what it is like…… ok fine I just want to watch male models walk down the runway in beautiful clothes.



shirtdress // espadrilles // circle bag c/o // sunglasses // lemon not included

When life gives you lemons… well you make yourself a glass of French 75 of course! (my favorite cocktail by the way). If I have learned anything about my some-odd years on this earth, it’s that no matter what life throws at you, know to stay positive through it all. It’s hard to do and it’s something I am not always the best at. But it is something I try to work on. Last weekend was a testament to my patience, optimism, and all around psych. If something could go wrong it did. From stepping in a dog’s number 2 to being a half hour late (I HATE being late) to a client meeting because a man had a seizure on my subway (hope he is ok!) to my bank putting a hold on my card because of an online purchase I made causing me to be stuck at Harold Square with no way out because my metro card was empty and with a meeting in half an hour uptown to basically just sucking at my workouts. Much more happen but I will keep those personal. By Sunday I was in a terrible mood. It was definitely my turn for New York to take swings at me.
