Month: October 2018

serena and Lily

Well it’s been a semi bummer of a week. At the end of September I decided that I would be moving out of my apartment and into a studio apartment by November 1st. After looking religiously, or as one of the brokers told me I was “extra hyper”, about looking at apartments I have come to terms that this isn’t the right time to move. Some of the brokers I went through, my own boss, and a good friend of mine who is a broker here in New York, said this is a terrible time to move. That no one is moving out because of the holidays and nothing is available around my budget. Instead I have decided to stay in my current 3 bedroom apartment. I really can’t complain, I do love my apartment and the location. I am just ready to be back on my own. Especially since I work from home, it’s nice to have peace and quiet at all times. I also used to live in a studio apartment in Gramercy before I moved back home to Ohio, which I was obsessed with. I have all of this furniture just sitting in my parents basement waiting for me to use again. I can’t wait to have all of my stuff back with me! My goal is to now move at the beginning of February or March! Fingers crossed! Of course another part of me wants to rent an Airbnb in Charleston for the duration of November and December…..probably won’t happen, but a girl can dream right.


tory burch

patchwork blouse // wide legged pants (similar) // satchel c/o // nude heels

Although my current job is not your traditional 9-5, I have held a position where I needed to dress up everyday, but in an expressive way. My entire career has been centered around creativity, I’ve never had to wear the suiting of the corporate world. In fact every job that I have ever had has allowed me to wear sequins… #blessed.


fall sweaters under $100

Everyday it feels as if the temperatures are slowly dropping, but I wouldn’t say it is quit sweater weather just yet.  Sweaters are to the cold seasons as dresses are to the warm seasons– you can never have too many. Is there anything better than to wear leggings with a big chunky sweater? It feels so cozy. Since sweaters are the most sought after item of the fall and winter, it does not mean we need to break the bank. I’ve gathered some great options for sweaters under $100 that are still great quality and will keep you warm during the bitter cold weather.


“by choosing what I put on my plate, I choose the future I want to create for myself”

Whitney Tingle

Happy Friday!! Life lately has been great! I really can’t complain about things. Business is going well, my relationships are going well, my happiness is high…. life is good! After the calmness of last week, this week I am back to being busy. But I am happy about how busy I am and all the good that keeps coming into my life. I have a few fun projects coming up soon and events I am attending as well. Also I just love the holidays, so I am always extra excited this time of year.
