Month: November 2018

“when you finally meet the love of your life, you will know exactly why you had to let the others go”

-Mark Anthony Poet

Happy Friday!! Is Mercury in retrograde because this week has been bonkers. If something could go wrong it did. From my couch being a week late and talking to a dozen different people who are giving me different answers, to my seamless order never showing up, to not being able to send my rough draft to a client, to not being on an event list (when I was clearly invited.. still got in though), and much more went wrong. But my favorite was when a shelf and the corner wall both got in the way of my head that caused me a pretty big headache (yes I hit my head twice this week and it still feels bruised). I am ok though… 2+2=5… see, no damage has been done. This week has been a joke. TGIF! It’s the weekend and for the safety of myself and others I shall become a hermit. I know all of these problems are minor in life and there are serious problems going on like the fires in California. All I need is a good nights sleep, a glass of wine, a good movie, a week of seclusion, and a big hug.


On this first snowy day of the soon to be winter season, it is time to start looking for coats. There isn’t much I like about the winter season, I am much more of a summer type of gal, but one thing is for sure, I love coats. Lets face it, coats are more than the final layer of warmth, they make a huge fashion statement. It’s not part of your outfit, it is your outfit. It’s showing your personal aesthetics while covering up your outfit. Plus wearing coats is like wrapping yourself in a blanket. If it was socially acceptable I would wear my duvet cover everywhere because I am that big of baby when it comes to being cold. This season I am into over-sized wool and faux fur coats. Here are 10 coats that are currently on my radar.


fall fashion

top // silk scarf // high waisted jeans // pink booties // shoulder bag // sunglasses

When it comes to dressing I enjoy the art of simplicity.  During the cold seasons I tend to dress more casual. I’ll throw on jeans paired with a simple top and call it a day. With the simplicity of the outfit you can dress it up or down by how you accessorize it. It’s an everyday fall outfit that you can wear anywhere.

fall fashionfall fashionfall fashionfall fashionfall fashionfall fashion

top // silk scarf // high waisted jeans // pink booties // shoulder bag // sunglasses

Here I elevated the white blouse with a printed silk scarf, and the jeans with pink booties. Easily switch out the booties for flats or sneakers and instead of a silk scarf wear a large cotton scarf. It’s an outfit that can be worn anywhere; out to dinner, to events, running errands, etc. Now that the weather is sadly in freezing temperatures, you can throw on any overcoat. No matter what it will go! Simplicity is key in the fall season but don’t forget to have fun with accessories!



holiday decor


Are you one to decorate early or do you wait until the day after Thanksgiving? For me, although I listen to Christmas music early and watch Hallmark movies, I like to give the old T-Day it’s moment. Whether you are slowly putting stuff up or waiting until you finish your pumpkin pie, it’s time to start thinking about your holiday decor.
