Month: November 2018

“Believe in what you pray for”

Happy Friday!! Thank goodness it’s the weekend. There is a lot going on right now and I am trying to get everything done before I leave in almost a week for Thanksgiving. I am going home for 10 luxurious days of laziness, home cooked meals, playtime with my niece, shopping with my mom, spending time with my family and friends, and of course T-Day. I am very excited to head home!


Lately I have been making some changes around my apartment. From buying new furniture to new hand towels to kitchen appliances to wall decor, I have been in need of a refresh. One last thing I do want to change up is my duvet cover. It is a soft green and blue paisley print from Pottery Barn that I got almost 9 years ago. Although I love it, I think it is time for a new one. When it comes to duvet covers, and decorating in general, I tend to gravitate towards light shades of blue, green and white, with a splash of pink and yellow.  After searching a little I have found a few that I am liking. Not sure if and when I will end up buying a new duvet cover, but hopefully soon. Here are my top 10 choices thus far.


nyc workout

jacket  c/o // muscle tank // leggings // shoes c/o

I have to admit that I have been lacking in trying new workouts around the city. Between work and blogging I have not been motivated to try something new. All I wanted to do was go to a fitness class that I am used to so I did not have to think. During October, however, I decided to change my tune and start trying new workouts. It started at an event with Shape Magazine that I found the motivation to emerge myself in new classes again. Here are two new fitness classes in NYC that I have been enjoying and one I keep forgetting to share with you.


fall attire

turtleneck sweater // plaid skirt // over the knee high boots // circle bag // beret // sunglasses

Since college I have been obsessed with Paris. The romantic aura, beautiful parks, fascinating architecture, the fashion and culture, museums; I’ve been dreaming about experiencing it all. I took up learning french on language apps, celebrate Bastille day and take notes on what french girls wear, all in the spirit of my french ancestry. My great grandparents were born and raised in France, so it is in my blood (along with being British and Irish). Sadly I have never been to Paris, although I have been dreaming about it for so long. It seems that every time I plan on going I end up not being able to– like next week I have the opportunity to go to Paris with a few friends but chose not too because of having to buy all new furniture plus the holidays. I need to save money (perks of working for yourself and living in New York). Someday I will go to Paris and relish in all of the magic that it has to offer. Until then I’ll stick to taking cues on style inspiration.
