Month: December 2018

evening clutch

There are a few rules in fashion I no longer follow; white after Labor Day, wearing earrings that match your bracelet, shoes should match your purse or shoes shouldn’t match your purse depending on whats trendy, etc. But there are a few rules, one in particular, that I never break. This particular rule is to always wear an evening clutch with your gown. Whether you are attending a wedding, gala, black tie event, a ball or cocktail party, you should always wear a clutch. An evening bag with a very small strap that delicately hangs on your wrist is doable if you prefer to not hold onto your purse. I cringe with I see women carrying around big purses or wearing a shoulder bag at weddings. You are wearing a beautiful, elegant dress, don’t cover it up with a bag. A clutch keeps the refined aesthetics of your attire. Since we are in the season of fancy dresses, I thought I would share my must have evening clutches with you. I, myself, am in need of a new one.


Last night I scrolled upon The Skimm’s Instagram post of a text message. The post said this: “I want to be with someone who can cook… looks fade, hunger doesn’t.” I gave a good HA when I read it because it’s so true. I would love to be with someone who enjoys cooking so we can make meals together. What fun! I have noticed that the older I get the more I enjoy cooking and baking. I try to cook 5 days a week and then either order- in food or go out to dinner on the weekends. My get togethers and holiday parties with friends have been centered around everyone cooking or baking a dish. This I have been really enjoying my time in the kitchen, trying new recipes I find on Pinterest and hoping for the best. Because so many of my friends, and I am sure yours as well, are cooking up a storm lately, gift them something the foodie connoisseur in them will love.


“be bold in your caring, be bold in your dreaming and above all else, always do your best.”

-George H.W. Bush

Happy Friday!!  I am in complete Christmas mode– watching holiday movies, listening to Christmas songs, shopping for gifts, decorating, etc. I love this time of year! It truly is so magical and full of love. The holidays, although a wonderful time, is also pretty busy. With so many holiday parties and events, last minute work to finish up before break, getting in as many holiday activities, as possible, it can all be a little overwhelming. I just keep telling myself that in a little over a week I will be back at home with my family  celebrating the holiday in a much calmer manner. Busy or not, I love every single moment of celebration.


holiday gift guide wellness and beauty


A gift that is always very much appreciated is beauty and wellness products. It’s nice to restock favorite items that are religiously used throughout the year. Or maybe you know someone who would love to try a charcoal mask or has been eyeing a new straightener. Personally I would love to get all of the wellness products I can my hands on— bring on the collagen! A few items I have been interested in is this gem water bottle– apparently putting crystals in your water does wonders for your body. I am also eyeing this cellulite brush, and wanting to restock my favorite foundation. Whether you are gifting a beauty obsessed loved one or simply buying yourself an item or two (I mean you were good this year!), here are a few beauty and wellness items that would make Christmas morning that much better!
