Month: March 2019

“With a heart like that, you deserve the world”

-r.m. drake

Happy Friday!! This week I started off with a little bit of anxiety, but have ended the week on a good note. I think starting my real estate course had me panicking. As I have to take a final exam, I am extremely nervous. I have not taken one at this stature since college (unless you count Buzzfeed quizzes determining whether or not I am going to get married). Anyway, I was having flash backs of anytime I have ever not done as well on a test throughout my education. Overanalyzing I know. I have already finished Ch.1 and Ch 2. and took a mini quiz where I got a 95%…. so far so good! Anyway, as the week gradually went on I felt much better and feel much more relaxed.


rebecca taylor

blouse // skirt // nude heels // circle bag // sunglasses

There are two types of detailing in clothes that I covet: florals and ruffles. So when you put the two items together, well it’s like fashion heaven for me. As I get older (insert sobbing emoji) I am drawn towards clothing items that can stand the test of time, yet still show my personality. Items that are not fast fashion, but classic with a twist. This floral ruffle top is a great example of an item that I can wear years to come. It’s subtle yet makes a statement. It’s versatile in that I can pair it with different colored bottoms, even jeans, or keep it simple with an off-white skirt.


“I will not allow myself to not feel chosen every single day”

-Hannah B.

Happy Friday! The weather has been wonderful these past few days. Feels like spring is truly upon us! This has been a week full of fun. As I have mentioned before during the winter time things are pretty slow for blogging. Besides fashion week, there are not many events happening. As we near spring more and more brands will start hosting events that will make me yearn for simpler times.  I can’t complain, I love what I do.


bathrobe // book

Yesterday was a true testament to how addicted we are to our phones. When both Instagram and Facebook went down, people took to Twitter to express their dismay and to admit the habitual action of opening the apps even after learning they were down. At first I was a frustrated, I had yet to post and knew I needed to publish new content. This only lasted, surprisingly, a few minutes until I relished in the realization that I was free from the social media burden. I didn’t have to worry about how many likes I was getting or if someone was commenting on my post and making sure I respond within minutes. I didn’t mind-numbingly check peoples social accounts to see what they are up to or if they posted. I didn’t have to read peoples political or cultural rants.  Normally I would freak out until the beloved social platforms were fixed, but yesterday was different. Yesterday I felt relieved. So what did I do instead of scrolling through people’s vacay and baby pics? I read, took a walk around the city, and I actually took the time to do my work instead of getting distracted by Insta Stories. Sure if this was the weekend I would probably have done more but a gal still needs to work. Money does not grow on trees apparently. Ugh, sigh. Anyway, since I have a concrete website, having Instagram down did not hurt my business. You can’t put all your eggs in one basket. So while people were freaking out about content, I was working on blog posts.
