Month: May 2019

“the trick is that as long as you know who you are and what makes you happy,

it doesn’t matter how others see you.”


Happy Friday and happy Memorial Day Weekend! The sun is out, the champagne is about to flow, and I am ready to be done with work for the weekend. I am staying in New York, but will definitely be out and about town.


tory burch

dress // sandals // bucket bag c/o // sunglasses // pearl hair clip

When people think of New York they think of Times Square, Central Park, or The World Trade Center. What many people do not know about is all the wonderful hidden gems this city has to offer. My personal favorite would be carousels. If you can believe it, New York has 13 carousels hidden around the city. I was even surprise to find that out, I could only think of 5. Anyway, one of my favorite’s is the Jane’s Carousel in Dumbo, Brooklyn. Located right on the pier, it has a beautiful view of Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge. Near the carousel is the Time Out Market Building and Dumbo House. It’s really a great excuse to spend a beautiful summer day in Brooklyn.


drugstore skincare

When it comes to everyday beauty and skincare sometimes what you are looking for isn’t the overly priced products. Sometimes the best product for you and for your skin is sold at your local drugstore, Target or Walmart. Last year when I got Perioral Dermatitis I stopped using all of my products and went straight to CVS to pick up Cetaphil per my Dermatologist orders. She was right, it was the only brand that did not spread the rash or irritate it. I still use Cetaphil as my daily moisturizer, along with the soap. I love that the daily moisturizer has SPF in it but it is not overly thick that I can tell I have it on. It is important to me to have SPF in my face lotion and will only use ones that do.


“one day everything will make sense. Until then, keep going”

Happy Friday!! After having a wonderful relaxing self-care weekend of infrared saunas and getting the best massage of my life, New York was like lol nahh lets wake you up Monday morning with loud construction work, continuous honking, and we’ll throw in banging pipes for good measure. My zen-like mindset was out the door and I found myself screaming shut up shut up shut up. Ahh New York living… nothing like it. The rest of my week was not as crazed and my calming nature quickly resided. It was not as jammed-packed like last week with events.
