Month: August 2019

“you have no responsibility to live up to what other people think you ought to accomplish. I have no responsibility to be like they expect me to be. It’s their mistake, not my failing.”

-Richard Feynman

Happy Friday and Happy Labor Day Weekend! I honestly forgot it was LDW until Wednesday when I was watching TV and a commercial came on about Labor Day Sales. Needless to say I didn’t plan anything fun. A good thing since I am now sick with a nasty cold. I started feeling unwell Monday, I knew a cold was coming on. It was a type of sick feeling where you know you are getting sick but you also have the energy to do normal things. I took naps here and there throughout the week while trying to push through my work and events. Today, however, I am taking a “sick” day. By that I mean I slept in (went to bed at 9:30pm and did not set my alarm, woke up at 10am), cancelled my workout, and am planning on covering myself with a blanket while watching Netflix. I will still be doing work here and there. Enjoy your vacations to the beach…. I am jealous, drink a glass of champagne for me.



Just because it’s the end of the summer does not mean you have to put away your dresses. We have plenty of time and hopefully warm weather to throw on our favorite summer dress one last time. Maybe you are going on an end of summer vacation or maybe attending an end of summer party blowout; whatever you are doing, don’t store your dresses just yet. This maxi floral dress from Rhode is one that I am going to continuously wear until my skin turns blue from the cold. It’s a dress that is in the running as one of my New York Fashion Week outfits. I am not sure which show or event I am going to wear it to or even if I will wear it, but it’s definitely a strong contender. I love the floral print and statement puffy sleeves; as well as the slit on the side showing off your toned legs. And being a wrap dress it is flattering to wear. Although this is a summer dress, you could easily pair it with white booties for the start of the fall, even pair it with sneakers for a more casual look. Summer may be ending but your love for wearing summer dresses can continue.



dress // sandals // sunglasses // handbag c/o 

It’s been a little chilly here in New York. It seems as if fall has decided to come early with chilly mornings and warm afternoons. This is the time of year when the weather starts to change where it gets a little tricky on how to style your outfit for the day. It’s still summer, so wearing a sweater or pants is out of the question, but your summer dresses will not keep you warm enough. What you need a transitional fall dress. A dress that will keep you covered during the cool mornings and breezy during the warm afternoons. This beautiful midi dress I found to be perfect for such days.


“If you have good thoughts, they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely”

-Roald Dahl

Happy Friday!! Extra emphasis on the exclamation point because tomorrow is my birthday!! I am turning 34…… wow. I keep forgetting my age as I still think I am in my late 20’s. Crazy to think that I am this old. However I did get carded last weekend at a restaurant because the waitress thought I was under 21…. I can’t complain, not too shabby for ole Mags. Anyway, my life is completely different than I ever thought it would be at this age. If you had asked me when I was younger, and even in college, where I would be at 34 I would say: married, 2-3 kids, probably a stay-at-home mom or a dance teacher, living in my hometown. And there is nothing wrong with that scenario. I would definitely be happy in that scenario. But God had other plans for me. Instead I am childless, not married, living in NYC, and owning my own business. I have to count my blessing but I do get upset sometimes as I do want to get married and have kids. I then have to remind myself to have patience, when God decides it is my time it will happen for me. Instead I am choosing to enjoy my life, cherish who is in my life and the moments I have with people I love, enjoy my successes and failures, enjoy this time I have here in New York (if for some reason I ever decide to leave). Enjoy what God has given me, because I do live a pretty blessed life, not perfect, but blessed. Nevertheless I am still going to celebrate my birthday– I am a carpe diem; eat ice cream and drink champagne all day type of birthday gal. I do not need a big blow out, just firmly believe in treat yourself on your birthday!
