Month: August 2019

faithfull the brand

dress // sandals // circle bag // earrings c/o // sunglasses

In the hot summer days when the humidity is most prevalent and perspiration becomes an accessory, you gravitate towards things that make you feel as if you are not burning in the flames of mother nature. For me that is a flowy dress and a refreshing drink. A day to night dress while sipping delicious lemonade in South Street Seaport while shopping and enjoying the beautiful views of Brooklyn. Did I just describe the most perfect summer day? I think I did.


“you’re not behind. It’s not too late. You’re exactly where you’re supposed to be. Everything is unfolding. Don’t judge yourself or be hard on yourself about how long something is taking to happen. Be patient. Your time is coming. Just be thankful that you made it this far.”

– Well + Good


Happy Friday! Like many of you I am happy it is finally the weekend! And it’s August, my birthday month! I accept presents in the form of cash or checks.. thank you! Anyway, this week was not as crazy as the previous, but still a fun one.



shoes c/o // leggings c/o // sweatshirt c/o 

Lately I have been religiously set in my fitness routine, with a little wiggle room of course for scheduling purposes. I know what days I want to go to dance cardio, how I like to start the week or end the week with yoga, how I have to go to Megan Roup’s class on Friday’s as a must, and add a HIIT workout sometime in-between. Since I have been persistent on my weekly workouts, I haven’t tried any new fitness studios. I keep saying this is something I am going to change up but at last, another week goes by and I can’t give up my beloved dance classes. I am, however, trying a new class this weekend called Precision Run. My friend Sara, from City Fit Life, is now a teacher there so I am taking one of her classes this weekend. Anyway, even though I do not have new to me workouts to share, I thought I’d share a few that I have been going to, or have tried in the past, that I have yet to share. And I noticed I have not shared a workout guide since January!!
