Month: October 2019

statue of liberty

dress // nude heels // sunglasses

Being in New York for over 7 years I still get moments of surrealism when I think “my God I live here!”. I hope this feeling never goes away. It doesn’t happen every day, I go from work to the gym to back home like a normal person. But once a week something catches my eye or happens to me and it transforms me into gratefulness. One thing that makes me feel such abundance is the Empire State Building. I see it almost every day and yet I still love the sight of that tall building. It is the quintessential New York image. I even have an illustration of the building framed in my room that I purchased from Crate and Barrel (sold out now) about 6 years ago.


Usually when you meet someone, whether a dating app or through mutual friends, the first date is typically meeting up for a drink to get to know one another. If you two hit it off, well then, as they say, the rest is history. Dates start to become the norm for you and your crush. New York City offers plenty of fun things to do together as a couple that isn’t your typical dinner date. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy going out on dinner dates– a girl’s gotta eat. However, New York offers so many fun things to do that date ideas are endless. From museums to Broadway Shows to free events in Central Park, dating in New York is easy to do… it’s finding someone to go on the date with you that is the hard part.



sweater c/o // pants c/o // white booties // sunglasses // circle bag

As the season starts to change to colder temperatures this is usually the time of year where I switch from looking like a bright highlighter to dark and gloomy winter attire. However, this year I have been pushing back my black on black go-to’s for lighter colors. This fall season I have been wearing more whites and creams than ever before. I know, white after Labor Day, blah blah blah. I’ve never much cared for that rule anyhow. Although I am not running around in white sundresses, I am wearing cream-colored sweaters and white and tan checkered pants. Both are perfectly acceptable to wear this crisp season. Why wait until winter, let’s start wearing fall whites!


“I find it amusing that we’re all pretending to be normal when we could be insanely interesting instead”


Happy Friday! Let the packing begin!! I am moving next Friday and I can NOT wait! As much as I am excited about this new chapter in my life, I am going to miss my daily routine in my current apartment. I love the coffee shop that is right next to my building, being very close to the subway (important for New Yorkers), and the people in my apartment building are the nicest. I am going to miss the one gentleman in his mid-50’s who is a community theatre actor and catching him in the hallway practicing his lines or singing a song. I am going to miss all of the cute dogs in my building that let me pet them every day. What I am not going to miss is how freaking warm my apartment gets; it could be snowing outside and I would be in shorts and a T-shirt with the AC on. I am definitely not going to miss the loud pipes clanging during the winter resulting in many sleepless nights. So as much as I will miss my time here, I know there are only better days ahead.
