Month: November 2019

thanksgiving decor


Now that I have my own place again I am excited to be able to decorate for the holidays with my own decor. Since I missed decorating for Halloween I am looking forward to Thanksgiving with adding a few cute decorative pumpkins, hand towels, garland, and pillows for my apartment. I normally only a few decorative objects during the holidays as storage is very limited and I have only so much space. If I had a house I would go all out. I would even host a Friendsgiving where I can use a table runner, plates, cute placement cards, and serving dish. Unfortunately my current apartment would be too small for a soirée of such. Anyway, until I have a bigger apartment or a home I will stick to minimal decor to celebrate the holidays!


“We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all the power we need inside ourselves already.

We have the power to imagine better.”

-J.K Rowling

Happy Friday!! IT’S MOVING DAY!! I am all packed up and ready for the next chapter in my life. It’s a little sad to leave my current home of 3 years, but boy am I ready for a new start! This is going to be my home until one of three things happen: 1) I move in with my boyfriend 2) I make even more money and can afford a much nicer place or 3) I leave New York. I am hoping 1 or 2 is the reason within the next year or two. Anyway, it’s better to enjoy my new chapter while it lasts!
