Month: January 2020


dress // clutch // nude heels // headband // sunglasses

The weather here in New York has been pretty wonderful. From 60 degrees this past weekend to now being sunny and 50 degrees, I’ll take any kind of warm weather. Usually, at this time of year, I am cooped up in my apartment avoiding gushing winds and snowfall. This, of course, means I want to be out and about enjoying the spring-like weather. I love any excuse to wear a dress, especially as chic and classic as this one.  So when the weather is warm during the winter season, I have no choice but to dress up.



It seems weird to be talking about the fall, but in reality, the season was only a month ago. The fall is one of the busiest times for blogging, so reading was put on the back burner of work, events, etc. I read much more during the lazy days of summer. But I did, however, read some books this past fall that have now become my favorite. Just like the summer book recap, I am going to give you a synopsis of the book then an honest review- so if you have not read the book yet, skip over the review.


“God has a plan for you and it’s good. Don’t rush anything, in God’s perfect timing it will be.”

Happy Friday! We made it through the first real work week of the year, and boy was it tough to get back into the swing of things! I am, however, glad to be back in a routine, working on my blog again, and being out and about in New York.


2020 intentions

A new year comes with a fresh start. A renewal of who we are and a step forward to becoming who we want to be.  It’s a chance to reevaluate our lives and create new goals for ourselves. Setting such intentions can be created at any time of the year, we are free to change directions and elevate our current circumstances whenever we see fit. But with a brand new year, especially a new decade, it feels almost obligatory to throw out the old and create space for the new.
