Month: January 2020



The number one resolution most people have in the new year ties to fitness and wellness. Whether you are looking to run a marathon, try yoga for the first time, tone muscles, lose weight, or simply start exercising, we all have a goal or two to achieve a healthier version of ourselves. In the past, my goals at the start of the year have been to try new workouts, be mindful of what I am eating, take more care of my body in terms of foam rolling and knowing when to have a rest day, and of course, lose weight/tone. This year my goal is not necessarily physical but more about confidence. My goal is to wear more colorful/ printed activewear and to wear crop tanks. You may have noticed in all of my workout videos that I share on Insta Stories, I wear head to toe black. Mind you there is absolutely nothing wrong with this and it is not something I am going to stop doing. It’s the mindset I have behind wearing all black all of the time. We all have our insecurities when it comes to our bodies. For me, wearing all black is a way of hiding my insecurities while looking at myself in the mirror. (more…)

“I saw that my life was a vast glowing empty page and I could do anything I wanted.”

-Jack Kerouac

Happy Friday and Happy New Year!! 2020, here we go!! Have you made any New Year’s resolutions? I always jot down my goals and intentions for the year; things I want to achieve and things I want to improve, both big and small. I enjoyed 2019; it had its highs and lows, but overall was pretty pleasant. I am excited to see what experiences and opportunities 2020 brings. Hoping this is another great year, an even better year!
