Month: February 2020

“God’s timing is perfect. Waiting is hard, but it’s worth it.

Breathe and let go of the need to know how everything goes.

God gets no glory from your need to control this.

Give it to God and watch fresh winds blow.”

-Coach Livi


Happy Friday!! TGIF… there is an internet outage in my area, forcing me to step outside my apartment to work. Luckily the weather is not so bad, a little cold but the sun is out and shining. This week I had a mini-vaca, a nice little relaxing escape from my everyday life.


trench coats


Spring is right around the corner and one of the timeless trends of the season is the trench coat. The classic coat that you can wear for a lifetime and always be in style. The ones that make you feel like Holly Golightly or Jackie Kennedy, effortlessly chic. This season, however, the trench coat is getting a makeover as the top trend. With floral prints, patterns, bright colors, and leather material, it’s time we put a twist on a classic.



sweater c/o // jeans (similar) // slippers c/o // book // glasses

My workwear attire can range from professionalism with a cute pink suit to wearing the same sweatshirt 2 days in a row with leggings. With my job, every day is completely different therefore my attire is completely different. Although I enjoy the days where I am dressed up just as much as the days where I look as if I don’t know what a shower is, it’s nice to have those between days. Days when I am casual but also presentable.


“If there’s even a slight chance at getting something that will make you happy, risk it.

Life’s too short, and happiness is too rare.”

-A.R. Lucas


Happy Friday! This past week was a much quieter one now that fashion week is over. It’s nice to have downtime every once in a while to breathe, decompress, reenergize, and relax. It was more about self-care than anything else.
