Month: March 2020


satin skirt // sweater (similar) // coat // boots // circle bag // earrings

It’s day 275 that I am wearing sweats. I miss wearing real clothes; dressing up and wearing makeup. Right now I would normally be giving tips on what to wear to transition into the spring. That was the plan after all. But things have changed drastically for our daily lives and wearing transitional spring outfits is not the top of our list of concerns. Still, I enjoy looking at clothes in hopes that I will be wearing them around the city soon.


“To trust God in the light is nothing, but trust him in the dark…

that is faith”

Happy Friday! I hope you are all safe and healthy. I know this pandemic feels like it’s only getting messier with the hospitals overflowing and have a lack of equipment and tools they need. Just know that there is a light at the end of the tunnel. We will all get through this and it will all be over someday.


sleeper party pajamas

pajamas set- sold out (similar) // earrings

We are at the point of quarantine where we have worn out our sweats, no longer remember how to put makeup on, and keep forgetting to wash our hair. I had to ask Alexa what day it was. It’s a strange time we are living in. As much as I love feeling comfy in my sweats, I am in need of a mood booster. Yesterday I put on makeup and a nice dress to take outfit pics (inside my apartment) for a brand I am partnering with. It felt amazing to get dressed up, even though I was going nowhere and no one to see. It made me feel good and put me in the best mood! Now I want to stay comfortable but also still feel chic and put together. Introducing the party pajama set(more…)

at home workout equipment


Being quarantined does not have to mean we completely stop trying to reach our fitness and wellness goals. There are plenty of at-home workouts to do that require little to no equipment– see post here. But there are some workouts where you do not get the full benefits without equipment. Currently, all I have is a set of 5lbs weights, a yoga mat, foam rollers, and a Theraband. When we were first quarantined I decided to purchase more equipment to use like 10lb weights, 3lb weights, and a booty band. I still want to get ankle and wrist weights. Although I am still working out almost daily, I do find it even more challenging to motivate myself. And I am someone who loves to exercise. It’s much easier to skip or put off a workout when there is another episode to watch and I am not losing money by skipping it. Still, my makeshift gym in my small studio apartment has been the stress reliever I need right now. And it does feel amazing to move and sweat. Getting new equipment will help motivate me even more to workout; it’s like buying a new dress that you can not wait to wear or a new gadget you can’t wait to play with. When a new hand weight or resistance band shows up in the mail, I immediately want to press play on a quick workout and try it. If you are like me and you need to move, and hopefully you are all finding ways to move your body, creating an at-home gym is the best thing you can do for not only your body but for your mental health as well.
