Month: March 2020

rebecca taylor

dress // boots // circle bag // headband // sunglasses

We are still in uncertain times. We do not know if this virus is going to end soon or is it just beginning. I am cooped up in my apartment trying to stay positive through this fear and frustration. Fear that I may have it, fear that I gave it to someone who may not survive it, and fear of my family and loved ones getting it. I cried yesterday knowing that it’s almost certain that I will not be going home for Easter. I miss my family and all I want is a hug from my parents. But we must do what is right and that is to stay home.


girlfriend collective

leggings // tank // jacket 

During this time of social distancing and self-quarantine, one of the hardest parts is not being able to move and sweat. All of the regular fitness studios that I attend have shut down until further notice. And rightfully so! I am happy that NYC has shut down gyms, bars, restaurants, and other social gatherings. We need to stop the coronavirus from continuing to spread, and grabbing a beer with your friends is not as important as saving someone’s life. Still, it doesn’t make it easy being cooped up in your home for days, not knowing when this will all end. I don’t know the next time I will be able to step foot in a dance cardio or yoga class. It could be a week from now or a month. That is a whole month without working out. My body, mind, soul, and attitude can not handle it. Sure I am taking walks once a day to get out of the house, get fresh air, and exercise (I also use a route where on a normal NYC day would only have 3 people on it).


“Sometimes you have to be selfish to be selfless”

-Edward Albert

Happy Friday! Currently, I am quarantining myself along with the rest of NYC as we deal with the coronavirus pandemic. I am trying my best to stay calm, take precautions when out and about, staying home as much as I can, and educating myself on the virus. I am less worried about myself than I am about transferring it to someone who may not be able to handle the virus. This morning I ran into a friend at Starbucks and couldn’t even hug him hello. I love to give hugs, so it is making me sad that we can’t physically touch one another.  We both started to go in for the hug then quickly stepped back. My fear is that after this is all over, are we going to completely forgo basic human connections? I hope not. We are already so distant from connecting personally with each other through social media, it would be harmful for us to not give a friendly handshake or a loving hug.


rebecca taylor

dress // nude heels // circle bag // sunglasses

We had a taste of spring the other day here in New York with 70-degree weather. It felt like heaven walking around with the sun on my face and warmth on my skin. I put me in the best mood, it felt as if I were floating on air. Hopefully, in a few weeks, the weather will nice enough for spring floral dresses. This beautiful wisteria bloom dress caught my eye a few weeks ago and knew it would help me transition into the spring season. With the winter trend of dark florals, a ruffle skirt, and puffy sleeves I can wear it now (with a coat of course) and continue to wear it well into the summer. This is a type of dress for all occasions; rehearsal dinners, bridal and baby showers, events, nights out, etc. It’s casually romantic and ready to be worn blooming into spring.
