Month: April 2020

easter decor


Recently, with this pandemic, celebrating Easter seemed to have slipped my mind and not be a priority on my radar. With that being said I think we need something normal in our lives, something to celebrate. I know we can not be with family and friends during this time, not even to attend church service, but we can find ways to acknowledge this holiday. Easter is about the renewal of hope and faith as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Right now more than ever we need this sense of light after darkness. Hope is about patience; understanding and having faith in things we do not quite grasp. Hope is about a love for someone or something, and there is so much love we have to give to those working in hospitals, grocery stores, family, friends, neighbors, strangers on the news, etc. So although Easter may not be of a concern to you at the moment nor is Easter decor, I encourage you to give it at least a thought for what the meaning behind this holiday represents. There will come a day when this is all over and we did it together with hope, faith, strength, and love.


“I long to exist in the spaces of your heart where no one else has ever been.”

– perry poetry

Happy Friday! Are we dreading weekends now or are we still looking forward to it? I, for one, feel indifferent and have not thought of the weekend during this time of quarantine as something to dread. But as I was scrolling through Twitter I saw a tweet from Betches saying how Friday feelings are different because of the excruciating boredom of the weekend. As I have been doing my best to not watch TV during the weekday, I am leaving my binge-watching shows and hours of reading for the weekends. But as our lives feel like Groundhogs Day, I feel no different from a Saturday to a Tuesday except for a few more hours of idleness.


rebecca taylor

jumpsuit // slippers c/o // headband

I am at the point of quarantine where I am so over wearing sweats all of the time. I had a Zoom chat with friends last night and I put on a little mascara for it, felt like a whole new woman. Although it is nice to feel comfy all of the time, I am trying to find ways to boost my mood and make myself feel better. Jumpsuits are one way, I have found, to stay comfortable yet still feel put together. You can lounge around in a jumpsuit now, then once we are free you can wear it everywhere. I have jumpsuits that I have worn to events with kitten heels and have worn it to the grocery store with my sneakers. Right now I am wearing my jumpsuits around the house with slippers.


sail to stable

dress c/o- on sale!

As the season changes to warmer weather, there are plenty of brands that are having major sales. One of my favorite brands, Sail to Sable, is having its annual Warehouse Sale. You can find items to stock up on for next fall and winter, like this black sparkle dress that is now $47. Or you can buy items for this coming spring and summer, like this tunic and this top. There is also kids clothing on sale for only $17! Sail to Sable always has the cutest stuff that is classic with a modern twist to it.
