Month: May 2020

“Currently looking for all the places in my life where I can replace fear with love”

-Kate Northup

Happy Friday! What a terribly sad week this has been. I keep my political and mostly social opinions out of my blog because I want to create a space of positivity. An escape from all of the madness in the world. So what I will say about the injustice of Floyd and other sad, disturbing occurrences that have been happening over this past month and for centuries, is that enough is enough.  I can not wrap my head around how anyone can be so vile towards someone else no matter the race, religion, gender, political affiliation, and who they choose to love. Why continue to spread hate, why waste your time? If you do not agree with or understand someone, have a civilized and open conversation with them to understand where they are coming from. Respect their opinions and choices just like you would want someone to honor yours. Just because someone’s skin color may be different, does not give you the right to treat others with nothing less than love and respect. Treat those that differ from you like they are–human beings. We are in the middle of a pandemic right now, we should be coming together to mourn those that have lost their lives, to grieve with our neighbors,  help fight the virus, to help open up the economy so people can make money to feed their families, to cheer on and support all of the essential workers. Not pile on more hate, animosity, looting of restaurants, and violence in an already troubled world. Always choose love, and always choose to see the good in others.


rebecca taylor

dress // headband // earrings c/o

Although restrictions seem to be lifting in most states, our plans this summer changed from being poolside to watching nature enjoy the sunshine from our windows. Things may not be ideal this year, but it does not mean we can not enjoy our beloved summer dresses. I still plan on wearing flowy florals, easy throw-ons, and little white dresses. Something that I can wear around the house, to the grocery store, and hopefully a restaurant someday soon.




Back in March when I was packing to temporarily move to Columbus to wait out the COVID-19, I was in the mindset I would only be here for a month. I ignorantly (or just in denial) did not expect the virus to still be very much present. I did not expect to possibly spend my summer in Ohio. At the beginning of the year, I envision my summer spent in the Hamptons, frolicking around the city, and maybe a trip to Charleston. Clearly that is not happening….as of now.


“Jesus replied, ‘you do not realize now what I am doing, but later you will understand’ “

-John 13:7

Happy Friday! Life lately has been full of emotions. As I drive through Columbus to go to the grocery store or to Starbucks for my daily cup of matcha, I see more and more cars out and people walking the streets. Columbus, like the rest of the US, is slowly opening up. Indoor restaurants, bars, stores, and salons are open for business; calling for people to come out of quarantine and return to normalcy. It’s nice to see really. Although I am a firm believer that we need to continue to be cautious about where we go, the need to wear masks out in public, and having the fear of opening up too quickly, seeing people out and about does give hope after months of uncertainty. I can’t say that I will be one to jump right back to the way things were before the virus. I am scared of the what-ifs, to be honest.
