“You are part of the future we make, let your part be of love, never of hate.”


Happy Friday! I would first like to thank you for allowing me to take some time and step back from my regular content. As we all know this past week has been a whirlwind of emotions and what is happening is much bigger than my little space on the internet. It did not feel right to me to post about cute dresses and must-have earrings when the world is hurting. I also felt that I was not informed enough to be posting resources for the movement on the blog- only sharing what others have posted on IG. Hopefully, you have been following along where I shared Black-owned businesses to support, ways to donate or sign petitions for justice, and of course, sharing verses from the bible and other uplifting quotes about being kind to one another.  I have always said that I will keep politics out of my blog, and I plan to keep it this way. To me, this isn’t a political issue but a human issue; decency and kindness vs. hate and fear. I will always share ways to help when people are in need. This past week was time where I needed to turn off to listen and learn. So thank you!
