Month: July 2020

Rebecca Taylor

dress // sneakers // earrings c/o // sunglasses // clutch (similar)

Another day, another floral dress that I love to wear. But this time I am wearing it in… what’s that? A garden! My the coincidence of it all insert winking face. It’s no surprise that I have a deep love for floral dresses. From a maxi to mini dresses, I swoon over the beautiful feminine print. I mean my blog name doesn’t have blooms in it for no reason! My life is surrounded by flowers from my decor to my phone background to yes, the majority of my wardrobe.


“Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.”

–Henry Ford

Happy Friday and Happy 4th of July!! I can’t believe I have been back in NYC for a week already. It really flew by fast! Being gone for so long I am still trying to adjust to the new normal of the city. I spend the majority of my time being alone in my small apartment; I do miss being around people. Taking pictures of myself with a tripod is much harder than you think; I wish I had someone to snap a few photos of me. But the biggest adjustment is having to wear my mask.



Some of us may not be able to enjoy the beach or layout by the pool this summer. But if there’s a will there’s a way. I am planning on spending a few weekends trying to find a spot in the park 6ft away from everyone else. To lay peacefully with the sun on my skin and pretend life is normal. Whether our towels lay on the sand or on the grass we will find a way to wear our swimsuits and get a tan (wear your SPF!). Heading to and from the park or the pool one needs a cover-up, especially here in New York. I am not about to walk around the city in just my bikini. And no sarongs for this lady. I need something to easily throw on over my swimsuit and one that is acceptable to wear into a store or restaurant.  I currently have a romper that I wear, but would much prefer a cute cover-up dress.
