Month: December 2020

“As the route of your life path and your winks from God begin to emerge

like a rainbow out of the mists of your mind

you will be struck by the message of hope that it holds for you”

-Squire Rushnell

Happy Friday!! There is snow on the ground, garland around the fireplace, and lights hanging on every home. It’s finally the holiday season! As someone who loves Christmas, it’s been a little hard to get into the spirit of things. Without holiday parties, church on Christmas Eve, The Nutcracker, and other festivities, it took some time to get into the merriment of it all. But if I’ve learned anything from hours upon hours of watching Hallmark movies, Christmas is much more than carols and gifts, it’s about family, love, and joy. I am counting my blessings this holiday season and enjoying what I can with what I have and with whom. (more…)

gift guide for her


Leading into the holiday season I was worried that I would have trouble gifting my mother and sister a present this year. A year where we didn’t go anywhere or truly need anything, and the future is still a little uncertain. What do we gift those we love this Christmas. Luckily there are many cute holiday gift ideas still available for everyone’s needs and wants. (more…)

sweater dress

sweater dress- 50% off // knee-high boots (similar) // handbag c/o // headband

Seems all I wear lately are sweater dresses, but can you blame me? They are so cozy and comfortable to wear. Not to mention easy to throw on and stylish. Fall may be over and the snow has settled on the ground, but that has not stopped me from wearing my new beloved sweater dress. In fact, I think this oatmeal color sweater dress is perfect to wear on Christmas day. (more…)

giving tuesday

Today is Giving Tuesday and this year especially it is important that we lend a helping hand to those in need. The pandemic left many American families struggling. There are so many organizations to donate to for different causes. From feeding families to ensuring kids have a happy Christmas to helping someone who is struggling with their mental health. This season it’s important we take care of one another. If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that we can only survive by banding together to make a difference and supporting each other. Here are a few organizations you can support this holiday season. (more…)