Month: January 2021

“You’ll be amazed at what you attract after you start believing in what you deserve.”


Happy Friday! What a wild, exciting week! Are you following along with the Gamestop / Stock Market situation? I’ve never been more invested (pun intended) in the Stock Market. Prior to this epic takeover, I understood the basics of the market; what it means to buy and sell shares. I personally have investments and my dad is a banker, so I understand the gist of the market. But like most of America, I don’t fully grasp every stock market terminology, nor was I ever interested in learning. I had to google Laymen’s terms for what is going on. How some Reddit user named Roaring Kitty through Wallstreet Bets bankrupt a hedge fund, causing them billions of dollars, and exposed how the rich get richer. It’s all very exciting if you ask me. Wish I put money in those stocks. (more…)

valentine's day

The other day I was mindlessly walking around the city when I looked into a store window only to see a Valentine’s Day display. I thought it was a little early to already put out decor for the holiday, but in truth it is right around the corner. Is this year going fast or does time simple not exist anymore? With so many things closed down, it causes a limited amount of date night options. Valentine’s Day could seem a little frivolous to you because of this. Maybe you thought that before we were in a pandemic. To me, I think Valentine’s Day is still important, maybe more than ever. It’s the celebration of the ones you love- even if Cupid has not hit you with an arrow. It’s about celebrating love; love for family, love for friends, self love, love for your significant other, and love for community. What we need more than ever right now is to celebrate and spread love. (more…)


tank // leggings // running shoes // jacket 

Did you set any fitness goals for the new year? In our current pandemic situation, having fitness goals may be the last thing on your mind. Especially when gyms and studios have been closed for so long. You may be focusing more on moving off of your couch than you are about finally getting abs. Running has become a popular form of exercise over the last year, so maybe your goal is to tack on a few miles each time you go running. No matter what the current state of our country is, it is still important for us to take care of bodies. (more…)