Month: January 2021


leggings // large-collar button up // cardigan c/o 

If 2020 has taught me anything it’s that life is too short to not read a happy ending. I think I’ve finally turned into my grandmother where I will only read books that are upbeat and about romance. Never say never with mysteries or thrillers, but I wanted an escape and books are the best way to forget about the world around you. And if I am going to escape real life, I better be in a fantasy world where people fall in love, dreams come true, and the gossip is juicy. Here is part one of what books I read this past fall. (more…)

2021 intentions

A few weeks ago I stumbled across my 2020 goals. I read through my hopeful aspirations and realized I only achieved 1 out of 15. Thank you COVID. I looked at my goals and felt a wave of disappointment and frustration. Then I looked at my intentions for the year and noticed I either achieved most of it or am working on it. When I speak of intentions, I am talking about who I am as a person; how I want to be, feel, and act. The person I want to be in the present moment. My goals are for the future; what I am trying to achieve through career, travel, etc. If last year taught us anything, it’s that we can not control what happens, we can only control ourselves. Only I can give myself peace and happiness, and the choice to see the silver lining when things may not work out the way I planned. (more…)

“God is within her, she will not fall”

-Psalms 46:5

Happy Friday!! I am currently on my way back to New York! Although I am sad to leave my family, I am excited to get back to the city and back to life. It’s been a wonderful few months here in Columbus and I am very grateful I was able to spend so much time with my family. I know how fortunate I am that I have been able to do so when so many have lost loved ones or have not been able to see family. Hopefully this year we will all be able to hug again. (more…)


Now that we are in a new year, I am all about out with the old and in with the new. Getting rid of the things that no longer spark joy. The best way to feel new is to refresh my surroundings. Since I am not moving to a new apartment anytime soon, the next best thing is to do a little home decor makeover. My first victim, the floor mirror. (more…)