Month: February 2021

“It’s time to start believing in your own potential and thinking highly of yourself.”


Happy Friday!! The sun is out, the weather is warm, and the snow has (sorta) melted. It’s starting to look and feel like spring! I, for one, am over snow days and openly welcome the new season. I know this is probably a fool’s spring as they call it and we will be right back to wearing our duck boots sooner than we would like. Still I am dreaming of warm days. (more…)


When the pandemic first started I welcomed the break from going to workout studios and gyms. I was having issues with my left shoulder and needed the rest from the vigorous one-hour daily workouts I was doing. At the time I wasn’t too keen on working out from home, but figured more low-impact, modification workouts for 3 weeks was a blessing for my shoulder. Oh yeah, I thought the pandemic was going to last a month tops. Little did I know… (more…)

“and too often we forget we are worthy of our love too”


Happy Friday! Like most of America, NYC has been experiencing a snowstorm these past few days. Although I do enjoy the snow, I am hoping this is the last of it. I am ready for sunshine and floral dresses. It’s getting harder to be stuck indoors, especially after the year we have had. Still, I think the falling snow is beautiful to see. (more…)