Month: July 2021

“Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming.

When nothing is certain, anything is possible.”


Happy Friday! I am still in Ohio for one more day. I was supposed to fly out yesterday early evening, but my flight was canceled due to the storm that was hitting NYC. My flight was delayed 2 hours before they canceled it. They put me on a flight for earlier this morning, but it was a connecting flight so I rescheduled it for Saturday. I figured why not stay an extra day, give people who have to be in NYC today a chance to get a flight (most, if not all, were booked). This way I get to spend a little more time with my family. Although I want to get back to the city and back to my routine, I am happy to spend an extra day with my family. (more…)

“Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty.

Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.”

-Franz Kafka

Happy Friday and happy 4th of July!! I am on my way home to Columbus for a week! I am excited to not only celebrate the 4th of July but also my cousin’s 40th birthday. We are throwing him a small party at my parents house on the 4th, which will be fun. I haven’t been to Ohio since February, it’s going to be nice to see my family and spend some time with them. I am also very much looking forward to seeing my friends since I haven’t seen them in 2 years!! So crazy to think! (more…)

serena & lily

One of my favorite home brands, Serena & Lily, is having a 25% off sale on outdoor styles. Whether you are upgrading your patio furniture or looking to start decorating your new home, this is a great time to shop for the outdoors. I wish I had a patio to decorate. If I did I would definitely buy this lounge chair, this table, and this pillow. There are plenty of outdoor furniture and home decor to choose from. Just in time to host summer soirées. The sale ends on July 6th. (more…)