Month: November 2021

“Anything that is not a vibration of love is a distraction”

-Kelly Rutherford

Happy Friday and happy Adele 30 release day to those that celebrate! I’ve been listening to Adele all morning and am loving her new album. It really makes all other current new music sound amateur. It’s hard to go back to catfish once you tasted caviar. She is a genius both lyrical and musical. My favorite songs so far are Oh My God and I Drink Wine. (more…)

gifts for kids

One of the greatest joys of the holiday season is watching children be filled with so much joy. I now couldn’t care less about what I receive on Christmas morning, and care more about my nieces opening up their gifts. To see the joy on their faces when they get the toy they wanted or a pretty new sweater. This year I will be shopping for a toddler and a little kid. Trying to find something they both would enjoy like an art easel or a kitchen set. Perhaps I  will give them matching pajamas that would be an overflow of cuteness. I currently do not have any little boys to shop for, but you may be. If I were, I think this golf set would be a big hit. Here are a few gift ideas to get for kids- both boys and girls.  (more…)

red dress

Is there anything more classic than a red dress during the holiday season? For many of you, the holidays may be the only time in the year you wear red. For others, red is part of your everyday wardrobe. While we may not all be on the same page about year-round colors, we can all agree that red is the quintessential color for the holidays. For me, I only wear red during Christmas and the 4th of July. The rest of year I tend to wear softer color palettes and black. However, there is something about a classic red dress during this time of the year. It’s festive, bold, and chic. Whether you are attending a cocktail party, soirée, or secret Santa party with friends, here are a few red dresses to wear this holiday season. (more…)


dress // white ankle boots / headband // clutch

Next week is Thanksgiving and you may still be searching for what to wear. I currently have a few outfit ideas in mind;  ranging from this sweater dress to this Rishi block print dress. This year for Thanksgiving we are having a small  gathering with family; many are unable to attend. So my outfit this year may be a bit more casual. However, I may still decide to wear something with a print to elevate my outfit. I think it is going to be a day of decision. (more…)