Month: December 2021


sweater // skirt // earrings // handbag // shoes (similar)

I can hardly believe that Christmas is next week! Where has the time gone. Luckily I am mostly finished with shopping for gifts for my family– only one or two left to purchase. I also already have my outfits plan for the festivities. This was the first thing that I did at the start of the season, before buying gifts…. oops. (more…)

“what is meant to be will always find its way to you”

Happy Friday to everyone except Peloton…. IYKYK. Anyway, this past week felt off. I was teetering between a bad mood and a good mood. I had to work through a few things that popped up emotionally for me. Once I decided to let it all go and let God take care of it, I felt/ feel much better. When it comes to work, friendship, relationships, and so on– I remind myself that what is meant to be will always find it’s way, will always work out in God’s timing, not my timing. (more…)

gifts for her

I am still shopping for gifts to give this holiday season. I am currently shopping for my sister and my mom, and I honestly do not know what to get either one. My sister and I are at the age where we can buy whatever we want, so do not really have any needs or wants. And my mom is at the stage in saying “don’t spend your money on me”. Insert eye roll. It is a pickle. However, I do have some ideas on what to get them. If you are also looking for gift ideas for the women in your life, here are a few ideas…. (more…)

holiday dress

dress // bow mules // handbag

When we think of holiday colors to wear, you have your typical red, green, white, and silver. The red is usually the bold, blood red of the season. We often over look various shades of red such as wine and burgundy. Wearing burgundy for the holidays is a great way to stay in the Christmas spirit while not being too on point with the theme. Burgundy is a color palette you can wear throughout the fall, winter, and even the beginning of spring. (more…)