Month: January 2022

home decor


The new year brings on many changes. We start resolutions for a healthier lifestyle. We change careers or start a hobby. We vow to date more or spend more time with loved ones. Perhaps we move to a new home or want to refresh our current interiors. Whether you change paths in life or switch up your current coffee table, a new year is all about refresh. (more…)

Now that are into the cozy, stay-at-home season, it’s time to chat about what books I read this past fall. Most of the books I read ranged from mysteries to love stories. All about friendships, relationships, and secrets. Some where lighthearted and some much more serious. Here is part one of my fall reading list recap. (more…)

“…..’Don’t hope or fear, but seize today, you must! And in tomorrow put complete mistrust.’

All any of us have is today.”

-Horace x Sophie Cousens

Happy Friday! How was the first week of 2022 for you? I had a pretty productive week. Not a bad way to start the new year. The last 2 years around this time I felt burned out and unmotivated. This year, however, I have a go-getter attitude and work ethic. I have already tackled a few items on my to-do list and feel pretty good about how this year has started for me. Of course there are a few things that I did fail at…. like hitting snooze one too many times. Maybe next week I will finally become a morning person. (more…)

Brace yourselves because winter is here. With the snowstorm heading towards New York City, I figured it was time to share what snow boots to wear this season. I am not one to go on ski trips, but I am no stranger to trekking around in the snow. Growing up in the Midwest, I am used to snowy winters. Even living here in NYC there has been plenty of winters where I have had to walk in the snow to get to work. My usual choice of footwear are my Hunter Boots and my L.L.Bean duck boots. However, it never hurts to add another pair to my winter wardrobe. Here are top 10 snow boots to wear this season. (more…)