Month: November 2022

sequined dress

‘Tis the season to wear sequins! I love wearing a sequined dress to holiday parties and for New Year’s Eve. You sparkle and shine while sipping champagne and enjoying the company of those you love. I always keep my sequined dresses in the back of my closet in case there is a fancy party to attend at any given moment. You can always wear sequins no matter what the season is! I currently have my eye on this feather sequined dress and this cute bow dress. Here are a few sequined dresses to wear this holiday season. (more…)

Happy Sunday! Today top 10 list is a mix of holiday attire and winter favorites. From faux fur coats to feather sweaters to bow accents, all the must-have items of the week.  (more…)

“appreciating what does come to you, always brings more”

-Abraham Hicks

Happy Friday! I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. For the second time since moving to NYC I stayed here in town. Since I am going to be in Ohio and Tennessee for most of December, I decided to stay here. I really missed my family, but I got to check off an item from my bucket list. (more…)