Month: March 2023

“The timing of your life will never let you down”

Happy Friday! I have to start off by saying how not only heartbroken, but angry I am about the shooting in Nashville. SOMETHING needs to be done. We can not continue to do this to our children, and do this to ourselves. Enough is enough. If you want to help– call your senator. I have already called both New York and Ohio senators, asking them to do something about gun control. You can also follow IG accounts like Everytown and March Fourth who provide information on gun laws, marches to protest, how you can help, donate, myths and facts, and to keep you up to date on everything. I have already messaged March Fourth about potential gatherings here in NYC. One isn’t currently on the schedule but keep a look out for it in the future. There will be one in DC in a few weeks! (more…)

One of my favorite holidays is right around the corner! To me, Easter represents the real beginning of spring. There is a sense of renewal in the air. It’s the first time you can wear your florals and pastels. Nature is blooming all around you. And of course the candy is superb with mini chocolate eggs. (more…)


floral dress // slide sandals // white clutch // sunglasses

When I was in Marco Island with my family we spent most evenings trying a new restaurant or dinning at some of our favorites. One of our favorite restaurants is the Speakeasy. Not only is the food good, but we enjoy dining by the waterfront. Sometimes when we have been there they have had entertainment on the back patio, other times you get to enjoy the peaceful view of the canal. If you have been to Marco Island than you know that the style is mostly casual. There is a relaxed, easy-going beach aesthetic to most of the restaurants and the restaurant goers. All you need is a casual dress to throw on and you are ready to dine. (more…)


If you are like me then you enjoy spending your free time devouring book after book. I love getting lost in a good romance novel, learning about history, or trying to figure out a thrilling mystery. It helps me escape the chaos of life. Now that the season is over, it is time to share part 1 of what books I read this past winter. For today’s first 3 books the reoccurring theme is to let go of the past, and what is holding you back, to take a leap of faith. And of course, how opposites attract. (more…)