Month: October 2023

Happy Sunday! I hope you are having a lovely weekend thus far. It was unusually warm for an October here in New York. It was so nice to finally get out and enjoy the weekend without it raining. Even though I was wearing a summer dress yesterday, I was still shopping for fall attire. This week’s top 10 is all about what to wear on Thanksgiving day with a little bit of fitness in there. (more…)

“Magic is believing in yourself, if you can do that, you can make anything happen”

-Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Happy Friday and happy Halloween! Are you doing anything spooky fun to celebrate? I am not much of a Halloween person. I do not mind it, just not my favorite holiday. Less Friday The 13th and more of a Practical Magic/ Hocus Pocus type Halloween gal. I haven’t dressed up in a few years. If I were to dress up this year I would probably be either Barbie or Taylor Swift. I kind of like the idea of walking around town saying “Hi Barbie” to others. (more…)

I must have been on a reading spree this past summer with 8 books to share. We have already gone ago the first 6: here and here. Now let’s chat about the last two books. These last two books were heavy in material and required your full attention. But each one has an important lesson on life, relationships, and oneself. They make you think. Make you look back on your life and see how you have grown. Here are the last 2 books of what I read this past summer. (more…)