Month: October 2023

Happy Sunday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine has been pretty relaxing. I baked gluten free pumpkin bread, so I am one happy camper. This week’s Sunday Shopping top 10 is all about fall attire with a splash of holiday fun. (more…)

“The best way to know life is to love many things”

-Vincent Van Gogh

Happy Friday! Well it’s raining again. It’s the 7th weekend in a row that it has rained. While I do not mind a rainy weekend here and there, 7 weekends is a little excessive. All I want to do is to stroll around the city looking at Halloween decorations. (more…)

Welcome back to another edition of what books I read this past summer. The first book review post was all about first loves, second chances, and happily ever after. These next 3 books are all about the scandalous lives of the rich. Gossip Girl meets Desperate Housewives. Is it worth trying to keep up with the Joneses or to just be yourself? (more…)

J.Crew Dress

shirtdress // bubble clutch //  gold bracelet // gold hoop earrings // nude pumps (similar) // sunglasses 

One of my favorite things to do is to discuss books with fellow literary lovers. Everyday I set a time to read whatever current book I have on hand; devouring the plot line, moved by the characters. However, the only resource I had to discuss these books were in the comment section of #BookTox. I tried to find a book club to join, but came up short. That is until I discovered Guest of a Guest book club. Now I have a monthly book club I can go to to not only discuss the book of the month, but to also get dressed up for a cocktail party. (more…)