Month: December 2023

Happy Sunday! This week’s Sunday Shopping top 10 is a little different. Instead of a collection of outfit ideas, current trends, and home decor, I am sharing what I want for Christmas. What is on my list to Santa. I have to admit that it was hard to create a list this year as I can just go out and buy everything myself. And I don’t think Santa will gift me the things I really want like a trip to Europe, a luxury apartment here in the city, and a puppy. Although he did gift the little girl on Miracle on 34th Street a house, and a new dad, so there is still hope! All Jokes aside most of my items are things that I do need within my apartment and my wardrobe, and some things that I want. (more…)

“The purpose of my life is being present with love”

-Being Method

Happy Friday! It’s been a wonderful celebratory week. My sweet grandmother turned 101 years old!! I feel so fortunate and beyond blessed that she is still with us. She always said she was going to live well into her 100s and here she is, healthy and still witty as ever. I unfortunately wasn’t able to be in Ohio to celebrate with her, but I did get to wish her a happy birthday through FaceTime. She had a wonderful birthday with lots of visitors, some cake, and dined at one of her favorite restaurants. She had a lovely day! (more…)