Month: April 2024

quilted jacket

floral quilted jacket // jeans (similar) // t-shirt // nude flats// sunglasses // handbag (similar)

It may be spring but it is still cold outside. All I want to do is put away my black puffy winter jacket and bring out my spring attire. If I still have to wear a jacket, at least I want to make it bright. An item that I have been coveting for years now is a floral quilted jacket. Something that I can wear throughout spring and even during the fall season. A jacket that brings in the color, the beautiful prints of spring while still keeping me warm. (more…)

During the winter season I love nothing more than to cuddle up in a blanket on the couch with a good book in my hand. From romance to tragedies to success and more, these books took away my cold-wintery blues. For part 1 of what books I read this past winter, these books are all about finding your own happiness and paving your own path. (more…)